Why We Love WovenLife
Our Blog
The Child Development Center and Adult Day Center have activities planned each day.
Look at what we’ve been up to!
Blog Posts
Father’s Day Festivities
Both of the programs celebrated the fathers, grandfathers, and uncles in our lives.
The Adult Day Center honored the fathers in the program with an ice cream party! Because, who doesn’t love ice cream?
The Child Development Center had a Father’s Day competition with a Popsicle eating contest and an intense game of musical chairs. Two finalists went home with fun prizes and bragging rights. But, we think all of our dads are winners!
Myriad Gardens “Where the Wild Things Are”
Children’s Festival
The Pre-Kindergarten class had the best time at the Myriad Garden’s “Where the Wild Things Are” festival. The book, written by Maurice Sendak, came to life in during this interactive and hands-on learning time. It was a great day for the kiddos and staff! The Gardens were filled with characters from the book, jungle-gym fun, a water-play area, and much more. The students had story time with a Metropolitan Library reader, their own “wild rumpus”, a carousel ride, and of course, snow cones!
Each year, the Myriad Gardens hosts the Children’s Festival with a different theme. As we approached this year’s festival, our Pre-K students read the book “Where the Wild Things Are” during our class circle time. They used their imaginations as we all pretended we were Max, the King of the Wild Things.
Thanks to a partnership with Embark, the students experienced their first bus ride and rode on the street car. We learned about different types of transportation and street directions.
The whole day was a blast. The kiddos all had the biggest smiles and it was truly rewarding! We will be attending the Children’s Festival every year.
Mother’s Day Fun!
Mother’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate moms and thank them for all they have done. Our Child Development Program and Adult Day Center invited the moms and family members of our participants out for a tea party!
Our adults had a great time sipping on iced tea and eating warm, apple pie provided by staff. It was a great time seeing the smiling faces as our adults got to spend time with their moms and family!
The Child Development Center team threw a party, complete with brownie bites, finger sandwiches, cookies, and pink lemonade. The room was filled with laughter and excitement! The students had a blast sharing the celebration with their moms, family, and friends.
Thank you to all of our moms, grandmas, soon-to-be moms, and family for your dedication and love! Your hard work is noticed and we celebrate you today and each day forward. From all of us at WovenLife, we thank you.
We love our moms!
Pre-Kindergarten Graduation Week
Pre-K was celebrated this week after a long, great year of school. The theme for graduation was “We are a rainbow of possibilities.” When asked what the student’s favorite color was, all answered saying that rainbow was their favorite! Hence, how our theme was made!
Starting on Monday of graduation week, an activity was planned for the whole class. Monday our friends tie-died shirts to wear during the graduation party on Thursday. Tuesday was park picnic day! The sun was out and it was a beautiful day to spend outside. On Wednesday, our Adult Day Center participants painted rainbows and read the book “A Rainbow of Our Own” to the students for our inter-generational activity. Thursday, the Pre-K class partied with an art project, pizza, and cake!
Friday was the big day. The Pre-K class had on their graduation robes and caps and met with their family and friends for their graduation ceremony. The kids performed four songs and presented the shapes they had learned that year. A slideshow was presented showing off the pictures from the fun year they had! It was a great time. As the students danced off stage to signal the end of their Pre-K year, family, friends, and teachers were excited to see them off.
We are so proud of our students and the growth they have made this year. As they venture off into the land of Kindergarten, we know they will do amazing things and can’t wait to hear of all they accomplish!