The History of WovenLife

On September 24, 1925, the Oklahoma Society for Crippled Children was formed.   Earle F. Bridges, Chairman of the Crippled Children’s Committee of the Oklahoma City Rotary Club became the first president of the organization.
In 1984, the Oklahoma Easter Seal Agency was officially incorporated and a few years later, the name was officially changed to the Oklahoma Easter Seal Society.
In 2002, the Oklahoma Society for Crippled Children merged with the Oklahoma Easter Seal Society, and the surviving corporation became known as Easter Seals Oklahoma, Inc.
Since 1925, the organization has carried out many programs benefiting thousands of children and adults with disabilities. Services over the years have included early intervention vision, hearing, and scoliosis screening services for school children. Historical services have also included physical therapy and evaluations, reading tutoring, development screenings, ADHD interventions, clinics and more; Many today may remember benefiting from those programs.

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Wovenlife emerges: 

On August 31, 2017, the organization disaffiliated from the Easter Seals brand and assumed the new name of WovenLife, Inc. with an enhanced mission of empowering people of all ages and abilities to find hope and independence through compassionate care, education and support. This change allows WovenLife to focus solely on the local needs of our community while ensuring all of the money we raise stays here locally.


What is WovenLife?

WovenLife refers to the diversity of those who use our services, the diversity of the services themselves, and the interesting ways in which they overlap. Young and old, abled and differently abled, we are where their paths cross.
The name speaks to the sophistication of our care, as well as the complexity of the lives of those we are working with.
When so many people with different backgrounds and different futures all come together and you start to zoom out, you see a bigger picture – something beautiful, akin to a woven tapestry.

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What do the colors blue and green represent in the logo?

Blue and green are the colors of life – water and vegetation. They’re cool colors and, in general, are perceived as more positive than their warm counterparts.
The Adult Day program was launched at 2100 N. W. 63rd Street in 2000; and in 2001, we purchased our current facility on the Oklahoma Health Center campus and an inclusive child development program was launched.


wovenlife today:

Today, WovenLife operates its programs at 701 NE 13th Street as a member of the Oklahoma Health Center campus. The building, a 20,000 square foot facility, is the daily host to children and adults of various backgrounds and abilities. The organization operates three main programs: an inclusive child development program; an adult day center; and a medical rehabilitation program.