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speech therapy

WovenLife utilizes licensed Speech Language Pathologists who conduct screenings, evaluations, and provide therapy. We offer free screenings for public schools, child development centers, child care facilities, and children from our community.

Speech/language and hearing therapy typically addresses deficiencies in communication, but can also include oral-motor and feeding therapy to assist with chewing and swallowing. Speech/language pathologists can help children acquire the ability to freely express ideas (expressive language development). A significant outcome is a positive self-image that can help minimize development of behavior-related problems.

Speech pathologists also help people who cannot learn to talk to use augmentative communication devices like computer-based devices that speak for a person or a board with pictures or words that a person can point to.


occupational therapy

WovenLife utilizes licensed Occupational Therapists who conduct screenings, evaluations, and provide therapy. We offer free screenings for children from our community.

Occupational therapy addresses deficiencies in fine motor development and sensory motor development. The goal of the occupational therapist is to help individuals with the use of upper limbs for self-help activities such as feeding, dressing and writing. Other goals may include increased eye-hand coordination, integration of balance with position in space or appropriate response to touch and texture (sensory integration).

WovenLife offers Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy services for children ages 1 year to 18 years of age. Our hours of operation are 7:30 am - 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. However, our therapists scheduled hours do differ, please contact us for more information on how to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists.

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